Step 1: Find a Domain

There are two parts to an e-mail address:

There is the alias, which is the first part, before the @ symbol.
And there is the domain, which is after the @ symbol.
In the case of:
the alias is: sarah
and the domain is:

The first step is to find a domain. Only one person can own a domain, so you need to find one that is available. Later, you will be able to select any alias you wish.

Our Name Suggestion Robot helps find a great domain for you.

Just give us your name and city (or any 3 words) and our robot will make some suggestions. You'll also need to tell us whether you want a .com, .net, .ca, or other type of domain.

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your City:
I would like my domain to end in:

Alternative Method

If you know a single word you would like to use, enter it here.

  • Please DO NOT INCLUDE the word ".com" or any other extension
  • Please make sure you do not include punctuation characters
  • Please note that this search may take 45 seconds or more.